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Data-Driven Strategy (Part 1: Engaging School Decision Makers in a Post-ESSER Environment): with Mike LeClare and Verlan Stephens

Agile Video Series Data-Driven Strategy Part 1 Engaging School Decision Makers in a Post-ESSER Environment with Mike LeClare + Verlan Stephens Watch Now In the first installment of this video series, Mike and Verlan will discuss: Knowing your districts Key factors that help businesses effectively visualize the current market landscape Proven strategies for aligning your […]

Connecting With Educators Through Social + Digital Marketing: Segmentation (Part 2): With Kassidy Krown

Agile Video Series Connectingwith Educators Part 2 Connecting With Educators Through Social + Digital Marketing with Kassidy Krown Watch Now In the second installment of this video series, Kassidy will discuss: The importance of audience segmentation in social and digital advertising. Real-world examples of successful campaigns through segmentation. The different types of audience segmentation and […]

Agile ESSA Data

Agile ESSA Data ESSA stands for the Every Student Succeeds Act, a federal law in the United States that governs K-12 education policy. ESSA data refers to the various information and metrics collected under this legislation, such as student performance, school rankings, funding allocations, and educational program effectiveness. Businesses selling products and services to the […]

7 Key Things to Know About the Schools You Serve

7 Key Things to Know About the Schools You Serve As marketers, we know that understanding buyer personas is critical as we create marketing pitches and sales approaches, choose distribution channels, and develop and improve products. But, as education marketers, it is just as important to understand the schools and districts in which our customer’s […]

Teachers As Frontline Workers (Part 3): With Dr. Sheryl Ziegler (Emotional Safety)

Agile Video Series Teachers as Frontline Workers Part 3 Teachers As Frontline Workers (Emotional Safety) with Dr. Sheryl Ziegler Watch Now In the third installment of this video series, Sheryl will discuss: Emotional, Physical Safety, and Containment in Schools  Real-life examples of proactive and practical measures schools can adopt that positively impact the teachers, students, […]

Teacher Mental Health

Teacher Mental Health How to boost teacher mental health In the past ten years, it has become more normalized to discuss the importance of mental health, including concepts like therapy, medication, and asking for psychological support when necessary. With the introduction of legislation like the Student Mental Health Helpline Act and the Student Mental Health […]

Teacher Turnover

Teacher Turnover What to Know About Teacher Turnover in 2023 In most industries, it’s important to keep a close eye on workforce turnover rates as an indicator of economic status. For the education marketplace, teacher turnover is more important to watch because of its wide impact on education in America. Within the past three years, […]

ChatGPT Cheating

ChatGPT Cheating What to Know About ChatGPT Cheating The technology of artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm, and it has definitely found its way into education. Specifically, the chatbot, ChatGPT, has caught the eye of educators and students alike because of its many uses, including the dangerous potential for cheating. If you’re […]

E-Rate Bidding Process

E-Rate Bidding Process When it comes to the E-Rate process, it can be overwhelming and applicants might not be sure where to start. We’ve put together this basic guide about what to know about bidding for resources with the E-Rate program.  What Is E-Rate Bidding? E-Rate programs support schools and libraries to secure funding. “The […]

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