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Relevant Communication Feels Good!

The education industry is an industry of communication. Information is constantly and consistently being shared, taught, evaluated, studied, and revised. Stephen R. Covey once said,   “When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.” For businesses that are marketing towards educators, trust is key. Is the information you’re sharing with teachers, and […]

Combating automated clicks and bots

Automated clicks, also called roboclicks, and bots can inflate and alter metrics related to email marketing and create false positives in campaigns. Learn how your organization can address these issues. Emails are a notably effective tool for marketers across the economy. In terms of education marketing in particular, reaching out to teachers and a variety of […]

Tips for Writing Email Subject Lines

The email subject line is the primary driver for someone to either open your email or simply delete it. So what works with subject lines? Clarity: Tell recipients exactly what they can expect when they open your email. Be specific and clear. Relevance: Incorporate subjects or grades taught so recipients know the message specifically pertains […]

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