By this point, the importance of Omni-Channel Presence in modern Edtech marketing has been well established and is no longer an emerging trend. Instead, it has become an absolute necessity to master. Increasing your omni-channel presence is a widely recognized strategy for engaging with prospects and current clients, gathering feedback, or promoting new offerings. Let’s look at the key components of omni-channel marketing strategy and its relations to EdTech.
Social media Importance of Omni-Channel Presence As you may already know, a marketer’s tool belt is never complete without social media platforms. In 2021, the Pew Research Center reported that YouTube and Facebook are the most popular social media apps for Adults in the U.S., with 81% of responders saying they use YouTube regularly and 69% reporting the same for Facebook. However, for adults aged 18-29, the most popular social media apps are different. Most say that they use Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok the most. These demographic differences illuminate why it is critical to tailor social media campaigns based on the target audience.
With so many people and businesses using this communication and community-building tool, it shouldn’t be surprising that teachers use these platforms in significant numbers. Targeting the clear leaders in the social world, namely Facebook and YouTube is a good strategy for marketing communications that intend to appeal to a broad audience. While there are undoubtedly other network options available, it’s essential to be sure that your targeted group of educators has a significant presence before moving forward.
Email An email is a digital tool that has proven effective when used correctly. Its permanency, audience customization abilities, rich support for various types of content, and general usefulness have all contributed to making it an enduring form of digital communication.
Email marketing may be helpful in its own right, but it presents unique challenges, which is why it is beneficial to have a professional on your side when constructing a campaign. Convincing prospects to open a message and take action can be difficult. Email marketing is most effective when the business has a large email base, broken down into easily targeted audiences. However, the email also offers plenty of advantages:
Educators and administrators alike use email as part of their day-to-day duties. Email provides a sense of exclusivity for many email clients. When one message is open, it’s the only message directly visible on the screen. The business has a chance to share various content, supplemental information, and calls to action, making it effective throughout the marketing funnel. Email shouldn’t be overlooked as it continues to offer long-term value for nearly all EdTech marketers. Direct mail An omni-channel strategy isn’t limited to the digital world; the two can be linked. Direct mail is even older than email, and there haven’t been significant changes to its production and use in that time. However, it remains an effective tool for outreach when used correctly.
Importance of Omni-Channel Presence Direct mail offers a unique strategy for outreach that can’t be recreated through current digital means. Seeing a piece of mail and physically interacting with it is a different experience at its core, and it can have plenty of value for EdTech marketers who need physical materials to do their job well.
Direct mail offers a unique strategy for outreach that can’t be recreated through current digital means. Seeing a piece of mail and physically interacting with it is a different experience at its core. As a result, it can have plenty of value for EdTech marketers who need physical materials to do their job well.
Supporting your Omni-Channel Presence in Modern Edtech Marketing No matter the specific channels your organization chooses to use or the size of its campaign; every omni-channel strategy has a better chance of success. This is especially true when accurate, current, and complete data is available to identify prospects and ensure marketing messages reach them consistently.
To learn how Agile can help, get in touch with our team of data, marketing intelligence, and engagement experts Today.