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Effective Parent Communication

Effective Parent Communication Schools are communities. And for communities to function with purpose, be nurturing, and foster innovation, effective communication needs to be at the center. What’s more, communication specifically with parents needs to be a priority. In fact, a 2020 survey conducted by Pew Research produced this finding regarding family engagement: “Information from the […]

Summer Professional Development for Teacher

Summer Professional Development for Teacher The summer has just begun issuing a well-deserved time for educators to relax, rejuvenate, celebrate, and learn! You read that right. That last word in the first sentence wasn’t a typo. The summer is a busy season for educator professional development. This reality counters conventional wisdom that frames teaching as […]

Why Summer & Professional Development Are a Perfect Pair

Why Summer & Professional Development Are a Perfect Pair Professional development and personal fulfillment can be accomplished this summer for educators nationwide. We live in a time where learning is at our fingertips, and although teachers enjoy having some time off during the summer season, they are always actively preparing for the next school year. […]

Summer Professional Development Options for Educators

Summer Professional Development Options for Educators Like many educators, one of my summer goals is to earn my professional development credit hours before I head back to school this fall. This allows me to replace hours required by state law for educators. This means I “get” two days off in October. Having the ability to […]

Slide Into Learning This Summer

Slide Into Learning This Summer Summer is finally here! The school year is over, the days are warmer and longer, and the frantic morning rush is paused until August. Amongst all the fun summer plans, from vacations to lounge time at home, there is often a nagging thought in the back of many educators ’and […]

Summer Learning For Students

Summer Learning For Students Today is the last day of school for my students. As a well-intentioned teacher, I gave my students “homework” to complete over the break. Sadly, the majority of my students won’t even crack a book. The reality is that many students will sleep more, play video games, and may rarely leave […]

Summer Learning is Life-Long Learning

Summer Learning is Life-Long Learning Summer is the perfect season to practice one of the most used aspirations in education; life-long learning. However, after a full school year, the temptation to take a learning respite is a real and deserved part of the student and educator’s life. Still, the importance of continuous learning during the […]

Moving Away From Letter Grades

Moving Away From Letter Grades How do you know that a student is learning? This is a fundamental question for educators. Traditionally, tests are given, and the student earns a certain percentage. That percentage is then equated to a letter grade. However, does that grade or percentage really capture whether or not students understand concepts […]

Mico-Credentials: Short and Focused Content, With A BIG Impact

Mico-Credentials: Short and Focused Content, With A BIG Impact Micro-credentials in K-12 education are gaining popularity in the education space right now. To understand the basics of this concept, think of the design of a video game. Or, turn on a gaming platform.  Most major games include an accompanying set of badges or achievements. Players […]

Launching (or Upgrading) Schools’ Flipped Classrooms

Launching (or Upgrading) Schools’ Flipped Classrooms The 21st century has introduced an encyclopedia of educational trends, frameworks, and innovations. Collectively, they have attempted to impact nearly every aspect of the K-12 educational experience.  Predictably, some initiatives have gone by the wayside.  Others have endured.  What makes navigating this landscape even more complex is the variety […]

The Data Talk

The Data Talk I told my daughter I needed to write a blog post about using data wisely. She immediately replied, “Make sure to tell them about unlimited data! “I laughed, but then realized that she may have a point. Even though she thought I was talking about her cell phone usage, having multiple data […]

Celebrate Teachers!

Celebrate Teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week is just around the corner. This is a treasured time, not because of the gifts received but because it’s nice to be appreciated.  Truth be told, teachers are and should be appreciated all year long.  Think of all the many things you do in one day, or think of a […]

Preparing for the End of the School Year

Preparing for the End of the School Year Students often ask me, “When does this class end?” to which I would answer, “Never. What you are learning here applies outside of school.” As you can imagine, this response gets expressions ranging from annoyance to confusion and enlightenment. But the point was delivered and reinforced – […]

ESSER Funding Ends in 2024…What Next? 

ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds that were part of The American Rescue Plan Act passed on March 11, 2021, provided $122.7 billion in supplemental ESSER funding, known as the ESSER III. The funds allocated to local districts are meant to be flexible. Federal guidance outlines 20 different uses for ESSER III funds, and we […]

Early Childhood Education and K-12 Education Collaborations

The WHY of Early Childhood Education and K-12 Education Collaborations A child’s brain develops very quickly in the first five years of life. Having quality early learning is vital for their future success. Studies show the importance that educational programs have on a child’s social and academic growth. Many supporters understand this, but there are […]

Combating Teacher Shortages in 2023

Combatting Teacher Staffing Shortages Teaching staffing challenges are here to stay. Hopes of the issue being a short-term effect have been dashed. And no school type, level, or location is immune.  Positioning your organization to be a partner in combating staffing shortages is both an act of self-preservation and an opportunity to be an innovator […]

Spring Cleaning in 2023

Spring Cleaning in 2023 It’s Time For…Spring Cleaning! I find myself looking at stacks of clutter that have built over the LONG winter months and ask myself if I have a problem because I’ve seen too many episodes of the Hoarders series. Something needs to be done because it’s not only in my classroom but […]

Step Into Spring!

Step Into Spring! Spring is here! Time for a fun lesson that embraces the season.  I have always loved the symbolism behind the lifecycle of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Teaching students is much like living this lifecycle out as we watch them develop, spread their wings and turn into something magnificent! There are so […]

The Importance of School Safety

The Importance of School Safety American public schools have been under increasing pressure to prioritize safety. For institutions across the nation, from K-12 schools and early learning to higher education, security in the school climate is becoming more valuable than ever. A supportive and safe environment is essential when it comes to creating a place […]

Supporting Student Well-Being

Supporting Student Well-Being The topic of student well-being has gained significant attention among educators since the COVID-19 pandemic. If we’re honest, anxiety cases and social isolation incidents are currently elevated among students and teachers.  How is your school approaching student well-being? In my district, I co-sponsor a student organization that provides insight to our superintendent […]

Ruff Day at School?

For our elementary students, therapy dogs were just what the doctor ordered. Our students meet with “Fox,” our therapy dog, on a rotating schedule. Initially, the idea started with the K-2 librarian. He became a reading buddy at first, but then the idea grew. Having a therapy dog is not the same as having a […]

Tax Tips for Teachers

It’s officially tax season…cue the groans! Taxes are a task that few people look forward to.  However, as a teacher, several deductions can be utilized to maximize your tax breaks.  Check these out!  The Educator Expense Tax Deduction If you were employed as a teacher, instructor, counselor, principal, or teacher aide for students in kindergarten […]

Test Season: Stage 1 – Preparation

Schools across the United States are fast approaching a time-honored annual stage in the school year – Testing Season.  And although this is an experience common to schools regardless of their type (private, public, charter, etc.) or level (elementary, secondary, preparatory, etc.) how the testing season plays out varies dramatically.  Part of the reason for […]

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