AgileConnect for HubSpot



Workflows created in HubSpot to modify or manage data. Examples: data flow, hierarchy, and data cleanup.

Properties that are specific to Agile data selects. These are created when the app is installed and are specific to the selects that you choose from the data dictionary. Note: Adding new properties to the Agile Data Viewer requires a reinstall.

After the installation of the application, the system goes through overnight to match as many records as possible using our proprietary fuzzy matching algorithm.

When two (or more) companies have the same Institution UID or two (or more) contacts have the same Personnel UID.

Records within your org that are not part of your licensed dataset. Agile will update the custom properties for these records.

After the installation of the application, three cards are created that can be viewed from any company or contact. These include Data Viewer, Get Match, and Prospecting.

A custom card allows you to click in and see the associated demographics of the company or contact. These demographics are specific to those that your company selected from the data dictionary prior to installation.

A custom card used to match the record if it remains unmatched after the automated nightly match. Additionally, you can use this card to prospect for contacts related to the specific company record that you are on.

A custom card that allows you to engage with our prospecting tool where you can query the Agile database for contacts that do not currently exist in your org. You can prospect either at the building level or district level. Note: You have the capability to prospect both within and outside of your data license. See the Prospecting page for more information.

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