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How will school districts respond to the funding cliff?

Funding Cliff

Learn more about how the upcoming funding cliff will impact school districts and how they will prepare for it. 2022 funding  For the fiscal year 2022, the Department of Education was granted about $76.4 billion. This was the most significant increase for federal education programs in just about ten years, compared to the beginning of 2021, […]

Teacher Modeling 

Educator teaching a lesson on a whiteboard.

While sitting in a driver’s education class is essential, no one knows how to drive a car until they experience physically driving a car.  The process of both teaching and learning takes time and practice, and it is best applied when there is someone there helping you along the way. This person is a “model” […]

Omni-Channel Marketing Outreach: eBook Included

Multiple Channels, Multiple Strategies Omni-channel marketing is practicing a seamless approach to all marketing activities. Whether it be on social, mobile, desktop, or brick-and-mortar, making the customer experience different for each customer or prospect with the same touch points is the goal of omni-channel marketing. So, we’ve been busy finding out the best ways to […]


Data Details: Exclusive to Education.  Complete Market Intelligence. Agile transforms your relationship with education decision-makers.  From the most comprehensive, up-to-date market intelligence data source, to hundreds of valuable data points, to the latest, integrated, funding data by district – our data gives you a complete picture. Analyze your data to understand your ideal targets and go to […]

Classroom Communities: Building a Successful Classroom

Educator in Classroom Planning

Teresa Marchant Structural Engineers are experts in the construction field. They ensure that buildings will stand the test of time. For example, construction workers install footings before pouring the foundation. Footings are what have to contact with the ground and ultimately support the building. Similarly, educators build classroom communities. From my experience, four main footings […]

How to Pitch to Schools in 2022

Library row with books.

Nothing will be the same for schools after the widespread changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced to classrooms. However, it’s time to move forward, albeit in a different direction, with new information in hand. This goes from the methods that curriculum is taught and extends all the way to the vendors that school districts […]

Engagement by Design and the Power of Intentionality  

Participating students in a classroom.

Craig Perrier A collection of topics and ideas in education project an aura of timelessness. You know this select core of terms like assessment, instruction, relationships, and standards. They have driven education and been impacted by the field’s shifting landscape. But, among this conceptual canon exists a practice that simultaneously underlies and often eludes the […]

5 Ways That the Pandemic Has Increased Summer Learning Loss 

5 Ways That the Pandemic Has Increased Summer Learning Loss Every summer, some amount of learning loss will occur for most students. However, the pandemic has deepened summer learning loss in a way that can’t be ignored. But at what pace has it increased, and what can we do about it? We have collected five […]

Back To School, How Brands Can Help

Students and Teachers in classroom learning.

  The back-to-school shopping season is tremendous because it involves everyone from kindergarten to college. It’s also the second-largest shopping season behind Black Friday and Christmas. After two years of uncertainty and hybrid learning, parents, caregivers, kids, and teachers will be looking for products to make this new school year special. This time of year […]

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