Data-informed strategies are the key to success. At Agile, we are confident in our ability to help clients meet success by harnessing and leveraging data. Using our data to align your resources and solve district and school situations, we assist with breaking through the clutter and getting the root of the information that will benefit you best.
An efficient approach Administrators and other key stakeholders at both the school and district levels are busy professionals. As a result, their time to meet with you is limited. That means you need to provide a solution efficiently and carefully.
Instead of going into a business conversation with a million questions, Agile can help you collect the data in advance, so you’re better prepared for the meeting. In addition, arriving at the discussion with a potential solution to their challenges shows that you’ve done your homework and will be a valid partner.
Turnover rates and enrollment shifts But what exactly should you be looking for when you approach a potential school or district leader to discuss business? Turnover rates among crucial stakeholders are one concern, while changes in enrollment are another to keep in mind.
There’s no denying the pandemic’s impact on the education sector, specifically with teachers and administrators leaving their positions. But high turnover rates are not by any means new. For example, a 2019 National Association of Secondary School Principals report found that nearly one in five principals will leave their school each year. On average, this position is held by the same person for a mere four years at a time. Sometimes they move to a new district; other times, they’ve retired. And more recently, they’re leaving education altogether to pursue a different career.
When a principal or superintendent leaves their district, it’s better if you know sooner rather than later. There’s risk and reward in “administrative turnover.” If the district or a school is a current client, communicating with a new professional means having to reiterate why you are a valued partner and maintaining the business relationship. Suppose the district or a school is a prospect. In that case, there is an opportunity to gain a new customer since new administrators may be open to trying new vendors and partners.
From an enrollment perspective, there’s lots of change as well. Parents are moving away from public districts and into a charter or private schools. Or, they’re keeping their kids home and taking advantage of virtual learning. Others now work remotely permanently, so they’ve decided to relocate their family members and start at a new school district.
This factor also comes with risk and reward. If you have a price per student model in place, these enrollment shifts can impact revenue, for example. On the other hand, you may have growing districts, offering you more business opportunities right off the bat. It’s all about assessing the situation based on location and keeping the lines of communication open with district leaders to make the necessary adjustments.
How Agile can help you during these strange times Schools are still going through a shift, and many may find it challenging to keep up with the ever-occurring changes. While fostering relationships with key stakeholders is necessary, keeping influencer needs at the top of my mind should also be a high priority. Digital and social advertising and being in the right place at the right time. Agile can help you identify schools that have been negatively impacted by learning loss amid the pandemic so you can help get students on track.
Contact a Rep At Agile, we help edtech companies connect with educators. Learn more about how our tools and resources can help you gain the insights needed to identify and connect with educators and get in touch with our experts today.