Agile Video Series

Positive Data Use
Positive Outcomes

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Part 1

Positive Data Use
Positive Outcomes

with Meredith Biesinger

While some students have remained somewhat sheltered from the hardships associated with COVID-19, others have experienced fear, isolation, and loss caused by the disease. For example, some students had parents at home to support and assist with academic learning, while others didn’t. In addition, many students have benefitted from exposure to new and engaging online learning resources. In contrast, others lacked internet access and could not engage in these learning opportunities.

Regardless of student circumstances, when students returned to school, many had not had a consistent academic experience for at least one year.
  • Data use can often serve as a valuable tool to help educators navigate the challenges presented by the pandemic and the learning gaps already in place.

  • Ultimately, amid uncertainty, data provides valuable information which can guide school decisions in purposeful, meaningful ways. Moreover, when data is used positively, positive outcomes occur.

  • Data helps educators understand, identify, and respond to students’ learning abilities and needs. Data analysis also helps educators make decisions that impact student learning and can assist in offering social and emotional support.

When teachers and leaders implement positive data practices and establish positive data cultures within their schools, data is utilized best.
  • Data must be used for improvement purposes.

  • Practical data is essential.

  • Leaders must create safe, professional environments related to the use of data.

  • Educators must have a sense of agency with data use.

  • Utilizing various data sources allows teachers to recognize students’ strengths better.

  • Data helps educators incorporate and leverage students’ strengths for instructional planning and improvement.
Agile Experts

Meredith Biesinger – Experienced classroom teacher and school administrator. With a B.S. degree in English Education and a Masters of Education in K-12 Policy and Leadership, much of her experience entails professional development and teacher training. She is also a certified dyslexia therapist who is passionate about literacy in rural communities. Meredith is also a professional writer and recently spearheaded The Young Mississippi Writers.

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