How to Cope with Learning Loss and Promote Recovery It seems like learning loss is something that is on the mind of every educator in America. And for a good reason. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reach far and wide. Still, our students have been experiencing severe learning loss in all subject areas.
Tutoring to Cope with Learning Loss and Promote Recovery Agile Education has long touted the value of tutoring for struggling students in specific subjects, and the same is true for those who have experienced learning loss. The data and long-term analysis suggest that, when administered correctly, a tutoring service can be highly effective for recuperating lost learning time. The more severe the learning loss or academic struggle, the higher the dosage should be.
Sounds great, right? Ideally, every school would have access to effective tutoring services regardless of student demographics. Sadly, this is not always the case. Many school districts are struggling to staff their classrooms with adequate numbers of teachers, let alone extra support staff. The shortage of educators has had an impact on student learning. Unfortunately, not all schools in America have the resources to hire tutors for those who go there.
Early warnings to Cope with Learning Loss and Promote Recovery Preventative measures are always the best way to promote recovery when the time comes. Notice the early signs to take action before it affects the student’s upward educational trajectory. Sometimes, this is not possible, especially when learners are out of the classroom for an extended period of time. However, if possible, educators should keep an eye out for the warning signs. Here is what to watch for, according to EdWeek :
Grade point averages. Course completion. Report card grades. Attendance. Engagement. These kinds of signs can show a poor understanding of the subject matter. However, there are several ways to intervene to prevent any further issues.
Community partnerships to Cope with Learning Loss and Promote Recovery When it comes time to play some serious catch-up, the community must rally around the school. Organizations with the resources to spare can share digital tools with underfunded schools and offer options for those learners who fall below the poverty threshold.
During the midst of the pandemic, there were plenty of community outreach programs that shared internet access, keeping in mind the ever-pervasive digital divide. Other inequalities only deepen the learning loss, as specific populations were more vulnerable even before the pandemic. According to Save the Children, only 60% of low-income students were regularly logging on to remote learning, primarily due to inaccessibility and lack of an internet connection. After-school programs and support systems assist those who need it the most when counselors and supplemental educators are hard for some districts to come by.
Learning Loss and Promote Recovery Building trust with at-home support systems Students’ academic success often relies on the type of support a learner receive s at home. Parents and caretakers may need to take a more central role in their child’s learning process, despite many students returning to the physical classroom. It can start with something simple as consistent communication to the student’s home.
Communication keeps them in the loop, makes them feel connected with the process, and also instills more confidence that a learning environment is a safe place for them to go. If a student is showing signs of falling behind, the parents and guardians should be made aware of the steps that are being taken to help the student. In addition, the administration should offer the caretakers ways that they can provide their child help from home.
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