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How Important is Networking for Edtech Professionals?

Networking for Edtech Professionals

As an edtech professional, expanding your network is an effective way to gain leads and grow your outreach to teachers and other education decision-makers. Here are a few examples of ways to network in your industry:  Get on social media It’s also a networking platform, providing the opportunity to search for other edtech professionals. This […]

School Funding and Pandemic Relief: How Will it be Spent?

School Funding and Pandemic Relief

Pandemic relief has helped millions of people across the nation feel a sense of financial stability after lockdowns. As the federal government continues to provide pandemic aid to schools up and down the country, the hope is for teachers and other decision-makers to turn this money into solutions that will provide for future generations of […]

Common Changes in Education in 2021

Common Changes in Education in 2021

In Conversation with Agile’s Directors of Strategic Accounts, Connie Davis and Toni Elsberry shared the following: The changing landscape in education is highly unpredictable at the moment. For example, many schools reopened at an in-person learning capacity in March 2021. Still, according to TIME Magazine, many are shifting back to teaching and learning from a […]

How Agile Clients are Supported

How Agile Clients are Supported

At Agile, we may seem like we’re in the business of rich data — but it’s so much more than that. We create and deliver customized solutions that are inspired by our desire to support you along your business journey. Our service is customer-centric, and we take pride in our ability to deliver the cleanest, […]

Hybrid Classroom Discipline and Management

For many administrators, teachers, students, and parents, online learning was (and continues to be) a saving grace throughout the pandemic. It allows children to stay on track in their academic journeys and provides an alternative option for instructors to continue doing their job if in-person learning becomes out of reach.  While online learning has had […]

Data Compilation and Account Management at Agile


At Agile Education Marketing, we understand how rich and meaningful data is from many different aspects. Our data represents actual educators and schools and relationships with State DOEs to form campaign strategies and improve performance for our clients through quality assurance. Why do clients choose Agile? While gaining data is the main reason prospective clients […]

Using data-informed strategies to help clients reach success

Data-informed strategies are the key to success. At Agile, we are confident in our ability to help clients meet success by harnessing and leveraging data. Using our data to align your resources and solve district and school situations, we assist with breaking through the clutter and getting the root of the information that will benefit […]

Helping Educators Keep Up with the Dynamic Classroom

Teaching today looks much different than it did just a few years ago. Teachers, students, and parents alike may be accustomed to the idea of remote learning. Still, there’s an indefinite back and forth between in-person and online education based on the rollercoaster of the pandemic and an increase in COVID-19 cases. Educators and administrative staff […]

Data Differences: Making data more accessible

  At Agile, we understand that data is essential to all clients, but needs vary across the board. That’s why we deliver customized solutions to drive your business, create more robust, targeted marketing campaigns, and power your sales team with actionable information.  But what other factors set us apart from the competition?  Richness of data […]

Consistency, repetition and scalability: Marketing success with minimum effort

 Today, we read emails similar to the way many used to wake up and scan the morning paper. It’s as simple as turning on your phone, clicking a message symbol, scrolling through work updates to clothing ads, and everything in between. So, how do you achieve marketing success with minimum effort?  Edtech companies can do […]

Creating Data Informed Strategies for Business Success

Today, reaching specific schools or districts relies on personalization through thorough research. Understanding pain points, navigating hardships, and creating a solution that’s valuable to their particular needs are critical to the success of your business. A strategy built on targeted outreach and raw data allow you to grow and give your clients exactly what they […]

Scaling personalization: 3 easy ways to tailor and personalize every message for maximum impact

Teachers are constantly searching for new ways to connect with their students to impact how they learn and absorb information significantly. Edtech companies play a critical role in achieving this — with the right digital tools and resources, educators are equipped to engage with students and sharpen their tech skills while following their traditional curriculum. […]

Edtech’s role in assisting districts with student catch up

Students have faced disruptions in learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Edtech companies can market their services for summer school, after-school programs, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic upended traditional learning models. Schools and districts that had barely had begun to consider applications of online learning suddenly had to place all of their students into remote […]

Pinterest in the Classroom: A Valuable Tool For Educators

Pinterest, used by many as a mood board or organizational platform for personal interests, has been popular since its inception and has continued to gain traction over the years. In fact, according to the Business of Apps, there are currently 367 million active users of Pinterest. That figure is up from 335 million users in […]

Tik Tok Use in Education

Anyone who uses social media has at least heard of Tik Tok, the social networking service that takes video sharing to the next level. From short-form dances to comedy sketches and magic tricks, there’s something for everyone on the well-known app. But just how popular is it? In 2019, TikTok was downloaded 738 million times, […]

The Impact of Social Media in Education

Social media has transformed our lives in ways we could’ve never imagined just a few decades ago. Now, nearly 70% of Americans use social media in some form to stay connected with loved ones, share information, entertain themselves and stay informed with the news, according to the Pew Research Center. But social media isn’t just […]

How to Sell Yourself to Other Educators

Dear Educators,  If you clicked on this post, you might fit into a category typical of many educators these days:  You are looking to expand your horizons for the new year and become a content creator  You are interested in reimagining your current brand and stepping up your game  You are currently in the business of working with […]

Social issues on social media: When to take a stand

Companies and brands have recently become more involved in social causes, spurred by growing public support for a variety of causes and concerns. The growth of social media, with its ability to create more personal connections between businesses and customers than was possible with mass media, has played a key role in this transition. Effective, […]

How to Enhance Ease of Use and Engagement in your Online Resource

Educators must set up for success in a virtual world to provide the best possible education to students and reach their own professional goals. The threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has shined a light on how difficult it can be for education professionals to connect with students in wholly and partially digital learning environments. However, […]

What to expect in marketing in 2021

Staying on top of marketing trends means aligning workflows and practices with the wants and needs of your customers. While education professionals are a unique market and edtech companies offer highly specialized products and services, certain trends will impact this field just as much as the broader economy. Keep these emerging concepts in mind as […]

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