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Higher Education Course-Level Data

Higher Education street sign with different majors.

Navigate top college & university addresses & course offerings.    Easily Navigate Universities & Colleges Addresses & Course Offerings Navigating complicated campuses are tricky. In addition, figuring out who teaches what is time-consuming. This research leaves little time to understand needs and share information to create strong relationships. The new college & university course-level data […]

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Data Clean-Up?

What Are The Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Data Clean-Up? Effective data clean-up is vital for sound decision-making. The information and insights drawn from data through review and analysis are only possible when that data is fit. This complex and time-consuming process requires valuable resources. In many cases, turning to an expert third party to complete […]

From the Principal’s Office: The Power of Data Driven Engagement

By. Meredith Biesinger Data is used daily in many professions to determine engagement and more, and this is certainly true in education. After speaking with several elementary school administrators, and having been an administrator, it is a fact that data drives much of a school’s short term and long term goals. Technology is the most […]

How Can Organizations Get Started With Data Management?

Data management solutions are the foundation of successful business operations. In a field that relies heavily on accurate, high-quality data like education marketing, strong data management best practices improve analytics and optimize your outreach strategy. It’s not just about having a large volume of data or several data sources on hand – you need an effective data […]

How to Use Third Party Data for Education Marketing

How to Use Third Party Data for Education Marketing Every bit of prospect data your business collects feeds your current and future marketing campaigns. But data your organization personally compiled (first party data) is only a sliver of what’s achievable. Second and third party data also play key roles in focused, successful marketing efforts. What […]

Make Your Data Work For You

Make your Data work for you. Big Data is the name of the marketing game. Join our founder and managing partner, Verlan Stephens, for a deep dive in to data.  Your data, available data, and interpreting data to inform your strategies, decisions, priorities, and communications.  He will take you on a journey of capturing information, […]

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